Research + Knowledge Mobilization

Image: Mission - Educational Excellence, Research to support best practice in nursing education, scholarship of teaching and learning. We are committed to exploring, understanding and cultivating excellence in teaching, learning and nursing practice through educational research and knowledge mobilization.

Current Projects:

Revolutionizing Nurse Practitioner Training: Integrating Virtual Reality and Large Language Models for Enhanced Clinical Education (Scott, A., McCuaig, F., Lim, V., Watkins, W., Wang, J.) (Ongoing)
Self & Collective Care Series: An Intersectional Exploration of Interventions to Support Undergraduate Nursing Student Wellbeing (Adhami, N., Bailey, E., Dyachuk, D. Gill, S., Zentner, S., Charles, C., Knowles, K., & Manhas, N.) (Ongoing)
UBC Wellbeing Strategic Initiatives Fund – Funded Project: Self & Collective Care: Faculty and Staff Adaptation (Bailey, E., Adhami, N, Ferreira, C., Dyachuk, D.) (Ongoing)
Ensuring an Accessible BSN Program (Bailey, E., Ferreira, C., Charles, C., Clemens, A.) (Ongoing)
UBC ISoTL Seed Grant: Impact of ICARE Framework on Student Learning in an Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program. (Adhami, N.) (Ongoing)
UBC APSC Education Research and Teaching Innovation: Getting Closer to Closing the Theory-to-Practice Gap in Nursing Practice Through Innovative Approaches in Nursing Education – A Pilot Project. (Adhami, N., & Scott, A.) (Ongoing)
Addressing the Theory Practice Gap: 3 Phase Project (Adhami, N., Bailey, E., Ferreira, C. & Scott, A.) (Ongoing)
Teaching Students to Create the Environment for Therapeutic Nurse-Patient Encounters in Mental Health (Musto, L., Bailey, E., Wolf, A., Kreiter, E., Breedveld, J.) (Ongoing)

Completed Projects:

Enhancing Faculty Teaching Capacity: Healthcare for Two-Spirit, Transgender, and Non-Binary People (Bailey, E., Clark, D.) (Completed)

Large TLEF: Integrating and expanding simulation pedagogy: Refreshing practice education across the undergraduate nursing curriculum (Ferreira, C., Boschma, G., Campbell, S., Garrett, B., Havaei, N., Hirani, S., MacPhee, M., Mann, D., Tipping, J., Bailey, E., Scott, A.Adhami, N. & Bontinen, K.) (Completed)

UBC ISoTL Seed Grant: To Know & Be Known: Exploring Belongingness in an Accelerated Undergraduate Nursing Program (Bailey, E., & Jullamon, M.) (Completed)